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Blog Cover


News about projects and technologies as well as work at geOps.
9/12/2024 | 4 min reading time ›

EuroPython 2024 in Prag

Im Juli fuhren zwei Backendentwickler mit dem Nachtzug nach Prag, um an der EuroPython teilzunehmen.

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7/21/2024 | 2 min reading time ›

Company Excursion in the Black Forest

A brewery tour at an altitude of 1,000 meters and a visit to a cavern power plant deep below the mountain were on the agenda for the geOps company outing.

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6/20/2024 | 6 min reading time ›

Export and print web maps as PDF

For some time now, some of our apps have offered the export of our maps in PDF format. This article presents our solutions for some updates of this feature.

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5/28/2024 | 9 min reading time ›

Snapping stops to vehicle trajectories

How to snap points to a line string in a given order and what it has to do with quality assurance when importing public transport schedules.

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4/26/2024 | 2 min reading time ›

Alternative Routing – geOps wins DB Challenge

Over the past two weeks, we have been working on the question of how alternative travel options can be determined in the event of a disruption. We were able to win a DB Regio challenge.

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3/4/2024 | 7 min reading time ›

Using Redis Subscriptions efficiently in Python

Inspired by the websockets broadcast feature we built a subscription multiplexer for redis subscriptions to subscribe to Redis channels and patterns once for all relevant clients.

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12/19/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

React 18 support for create-react-web-component

We want to update five year old dependencies the trafimage-maps project. But it appears one project dependency is deprecated. What should we do? Fix the project or use something else? We decided to fix the project and give back to the community.

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10/31/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

Swiss Python Summit 2023

On September 21, 2023, our backend developer Tobias made his way to Rapperswil to attend the Swiss Python Summit 2023.

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10/26/2023 | 1 min reading time ›

MobilSiegel 2023

geOps receives the MobilSiegel as award for sustainable operational mobility.

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10/4/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

beyond tellerrand 2023

On 11th September 2023 members from the geOps frontend team set out to Berlin to attend a very interesting and extraordinary event: beyond tellerrand conference.

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8/11/2023 | 1 min reading time ›


Discuss the future of local transport from 04-09 September at STATION Berlin.

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7/20/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

Direct Connections Europe - new Line Network Map

A city trip to Venice or an important business meeting in Berlin? That can be reached comfortably and in an environmentally friendly way by train. There are direct day and night connections to European cities from various Swiss stations. Our "Direct connections to Europe" map for SBB illustrates this in a visually appealing way with a route network map.

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4/12/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

Drive or fly?

We have recognized the increasing threat posed by the climate crisis. One of the measures we have taken offers our employees a bonus for environmentally friendly private travel.

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4/11/2023 | 8 min reading time ›

Ecological Sustainability at geOps

At geOps, ecological sustainability manifests itself in our daily actions and in the projects we work on. In this blog post, we summarize various aspects of sustainable action.

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2/9/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

Reporting mit Jaspersoft

Jaspersoft wird als Reportingtool in unseren Anwendungen eingesetzt.

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1/30/2023 | 3 min reading time ›

GraphQL - Hackathon 2022

Members from the geOps developer team explore GraphQL in an internal hackathon to discover its potential for geOps projects.

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1/29/2023 | 8 min reading time ›

Digital maps of travelcard validty

The map of the areas of validity of Generalabo, Half-Fare Card and other Swiss public transport season tickets is now available as a true digital version. The map, which was previously maintained manually and produced as a PDF or printed folding map, has been replaced by an automatically generated, dynamic web map.

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9/27/2022 | 8 min reading time ›

Adding type hints to existing code in Python

The Python interpreter handles types in a dynamic and flexible way without constraints on what type of object a variable is assigned to. Since Python 3.5 programmers have the option to add type annotations to their code. Here we how it's done.

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7/4/2022 | 3 min reading time ›

Migrating from enzyme to testing-library/react

We have rewritten our frontend unit tests from using enzyme to testing-library/react. This article provides a quick overview of the updates.

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6/8/2022 | 2 min reading time ›

mapset 2.0 with MUI

mapset 2.0 has been widely refactored using the open-source react component library MUI (Material-UI).

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5/31/2022 | 2 min reading time ›

From backend to frontend: we are looking for reinforcement

We have two vacancies for Fullstack or Backend Developers for our offices in Freiburg and Olten. If you want to bring your passion to a strong team, then you should apply.

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5/3/2022 | 1 min reading time ›

geOps at IT-TRANS 2022

The IT-TRANS takes place again - and we are there!

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4/21/2022 | 7 min reading time ›

geOps News 2022

News about our products and projects as well as upcoming events.

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3/28/2022 | 2 min reading time ›

Next.js Routing with Nginx

Automatically generate a Nginx routing configuration for static Next.js projects.

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2/2/2022 | 2 min reading time ›

Tree-App development 2021

Not only are the trees growing steadily, but our Tree app has also received numerous new functions in the past year. We would like to present a selection here.

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12/22/2021 | 2 min reading time ›

Determining maximum HTML Canvas sizes

Several geOps applications have functions for exporting high-resolution maps as raster images. We explain how to calculate the maximum size of the canvas and thus the resolution and size for printouts.

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12/8/2021 | 5 min reading time ›

mapset Newsletter #05

Der neue Newsletter berichtet über den Einsatz von mapset auf digitalen Stelen und stellt spannende Funktionen in Videos vor.

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12/1/2021 | 3 min reading time ›

Set up Django to only allow CORS requests in DEBUG mode

This post is about how to set up a Django project to only allow CORS requests in DEBUG mode, even if they require a login to the backend. In our case, this has been useful to test frontend customizations on the internal dev environment without having to start the backend locally.

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10/6/2021 | 4 min reading time ›

The new tariff association map of Switzerland

With the tariff association map, we provide information on the location and networking of the public transport tariff communities in Switzerland. Read here about the contents of the map and the "making of".

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7/28/2021 | 3 min reading time ›

New Features in the GeoCMS Cartaro

With our online tool Cartaro, spatial information can be conveniently managed and published in a web map at the push of a button.

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7/12/2021 | 1 min reading time ›

Links for our printed brochure

Get the list of URLs that complement our printed brochure from July 2021.

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7/10/2021 | 3 min reading time ›

mapset Newsletter #04

mapset hat sich auch in den letzten Monaten stetig weiterentwickelt. Es sind zunehmend die kleinen Verbesserungen, die die Arbeit mit mapset noch schneller und praktischer machen.

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2/12/2021 | 3 min reading time ›

Livemap S-Bahn Munich

Nowhere in Europe is there more traffic on two tracks: With around 1,000 trains a day, the Munich S-Bahn main line has the highest traffic volume traffic volume and is thus operating at its capacity limit.

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2/10/2021 | 4 min reading time ›

mapset Newsletter #03

Wir stellen zwei neue Funktionen vor: das Speichern von Plänen unter einem frei wählbaren Titel und die Integration unseres Routings zum schnellen Zeichnen von Wegen.

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1/5/2021 | 1 min reading time ›

Médecins Sans Frontières 2020

In 2020, we again supported the aid workers of Médecins Sans Frontières in their important work.

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12/22/2020 | 3 min reading time ›

User Testing in Adobe XD

What User Testing has to do with your new stove, we explain here.

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11/17/2020 | 5 min reading time ›

Tools for prettier Python projects

This blog post outlines the current setup of pre-commit hooks, static code analysis tools (Flake8, Black) and dependency management (setuptools, pip-tools) for Python projects at geOps.

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11/11/2020 | 4 min reading time ›

geOps at MobiData BW Hackathon 2020

From November 27 to 29, 2020, a handful of our employees participated in the MobiData BW Hackathon.

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11/10/2020 | 2 min reading time ›

Altlast4Web Go Live in Lucerne

The number of our customers for Altlast4Web software continues to grow. In August 2020, we will welcome the canton of Lucerne as a further customer in productive in productive operation. The changeover took place in the first half of 2020 at a record record speed.

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11/9/2020 | 3 min reading time ›

Tree App - Future of the Forest in Climate Change

Forest management is characterized by long-term decisions that usually affect the next generations. In times of climate change, it is becoming increasingly important to make the right decisions for the future of forests.

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10/27/2020 | 8 min reading time ›

Interpolation of height profiles

Calculating realistic elevation profiles along routes is not as easy simple as it seems at first glance. We explain how our routing service solves the problem.

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10/27/2020 | 3 min reading time ›

New functions in mapset

mapset is constantly being developed further. We give an overview about the newest functions.

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10/24/2020 | 5 min reading time ›

Testing file exports with Cypress in CI

Today we will talk about Cypress. More specifically, how to test Canvas exports in an End-To-End (E2E) testing scenario and how to integrate the tests into your CI.

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9/18/2020 | 2 min reading time ›

SCRUM - Agility at geOps

The satisfaction of our customers and of the entire geOps team is very very close to our hearts. In order to meet customer requirements with high-quality products customer requirements with high quality products and at the same time not to lose overview of many projects, we at geOps use different methods of agile project agile project management and combine them dynamically with each other.

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7/7/2020 | 5 min reading time ›

Praktikum bei geOps - Özkan Yanikbas

Im Zeitraum März bis Juli 2020 war ich Teil des geOps Teams in Freiburg, machte großartige Erfahrungen und nahm an interessanten Projekten teil. Hier gebe ich Einblicke in diese Zeit.

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7/4/2020 | 4 min reading time ›

Semiannual workshop 2020

Who could have guessed at our workshop in December of last year what awaits us in 2020. Despite the turbulence caused by Corona, we have the end of the first half of 2020 as an opportunity to hold our half-year workshop on 09.07.2020 in the workshop in the Lokhalle on the freight yard in Freiburg. to be held.

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7/4/2020 | 5 min reading time ›

mapset Newsletter #02

Wir berichten über neue Kunden von mapset und stellen einige neue Funktionen vor.

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6/23/2020 | 2 min reading time ›

Company trip - mountain secret

Two teams, a mountain trip at an altitude of 1,284 meters and solving the mysterious riddles of the outdoor escape game 2080 - Linus: The water is coming! as well as a lot of fun were on the agenda of our company outing on 03.07.2020.

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6/8/2020 | 1 min reading time ›

Elias Englen joins our team

Since September 2019, we welcome Elias as a permanent graphic designer and UX specialist at geOps!

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6/2/2020 | 1 min reading time ›

Offers informations in IABP

geOps develops for the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) in the context of the the Interactive Railway Station Plan (IABP) as part of the Trafimage mandate. This helps as as a stand-alone application or as an integrated map on to help SBB customers with orientation in and around the station.

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2/3/2020 | 3 min reading time ›

mapset Newsletter #01

Transportunternehmen erstellen mit mapset auf einfache Weise grafisch hochstehende Pläne, die auf den attraktiven Karten der SBB basieren. Mit mapset lassen sich Haltestellen lokalisieren, Baustellen und Bahnersatz erklären oder Events im Bahnhofsumfeld darstellen. mapset hilft, die Kundeninformation und Kundenführung entscheidend zu verbessern.

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1/25/2020 | 2 min reading time ›

geOps at the IT-TRANS

Get to know our digital solutions for mobility and public transport at IT-TRANS.

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12/22/2019 | 1 min reading time ›

EU-Project Greencycle

Towns and regions in the Alpine region have set themselves targets to reduce their CO² emissions and have developed corresponding strategies to promote the circular economy in the fields of energy, mobility, construction, etc. have been developed.

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11/20/2019 | 1 min reading time ›

Merry Xmas!

We wish you a peaceful, reflective Advent season and relaxing holidays!

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11/19/2019 | 1 min reading time ›

Daniel Marsh-Hunn joins our team

Daniel joined our team in May 2019 and is responsible for developing and improving front-end applications.

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11/19/2019 | 1 min reading time ›

Dr. Alexander Held joins our team

Our team continues to grow... We are pleased to welcome Dr. Alexander Held as a new team member.

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11/18/2019 | 1 min reading time ›

Doctors Without Border 2019

In 2019, we supported the aid workers of Médecins Sans Frontières in their important work. work.

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11/10/2019 | 2 min reading time ›

Mitarbeiter-Workshop 2019

Auch in diesem Jahr fand Anfang Dezember unser jährlicher Mitarbeiter-Workshop statt. Dieses Mal verschlug es uns in den Kreativpark Lokhalle Freiburg – eine inspirierende Location und die perfekte Basis für einen kreativen Austausch innerhalb des geOps-Teams.

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4/16/2019 | 5 min reading time ›

Model-compliant data checking with the ilivalidator

INTERLIS is a powerful tool for the standardized description and description and exchange of geodata. Despite the wide INTERLIS and the anchoring in ordinances (GeoIV-swisstopo) there are still there are still gaps in the software tools that support INTERLIS. support. The ilivalidator, which was released in 2016 as open source software for the validation of INTERLIS data, has closed one of these gaps. closed.

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3/3/2019 | 2 min reading time ›

OpenLayers Editor

Like the OpenLayers map library, the OpenLayers editor was rewritten from scratch some time ago and published on Github. The goal is still to provide a toolbox for editing spatial data. The focus is on easy integration of the tools into existing map applications as well as user-friendliness in operation.

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11/17/2018 | 5 min reading time ›

Draw trains on maps in realtime

For the Livemap of the S-Bahn Munich, we show users in real time the positions and current forecasts for trains. This blog entry is about how we have technically implemented two aspects, real-time and scalability. implemented.

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9/23/2018 | 2 min reading time ›

geOps at the 2018 Community Summercamp of DB mindbox

On July 27 and 28, 2018, the Community Summercamp of the DB mindbox took place in Berlin. Milan Oberkirch and Mario Härtwig from geOps were there.

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9/10/2018 | 1 min reading time ›

Olivier Terral

Olivier Terral verstärkt als Frontend Entwickler unser Team in Freiburg.

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8/11/2018 | 1 min reading time ›

Company trip to Basel

geOps on a company trip in Basel: from the air, on the water and on land

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1/27/2018 | 1 min reading time ›

geOps at the IT-Trans 2018

IT-Trans is the leading conference for intelligent urban transport systems and public transit solutions. geOps will be present in Karlsruhe 6 - 8 March 2018.

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12/24/2017 | 1 min reading time ›

Boulder for Coder

Our team already includes a number of climbers and boulderers. Apparently, these sports and programming go well together. Therefore we are looking for more of them! Who can help us successfully to find a Linux administrator and JavaScript/Python developer, will receive a one year subscription for the bouldering hall Blockhaus in Freiburg as a thank you.

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6/10/2017 | 4 min reading time ›

Moving in virtual worlds

Augmented reality and virtual reality are among the most important trends of information technology. Our colleague Friedjoff Trautwein attended the Digility Hackathon and promptly took first prize with his team.

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6/10/2017 | 3 min reading time › affected by DNS hijacking incident at Gandi affected by DNS hijacking incident at Gandi, bei dem die Nameserver von insgesamt 751 Domains ausgetauscht wurden.

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5/21/2017 | 3 min reading time ›

Barrier-free and maps - is that possible?

In the real world, more and more access points are being designed to be barrier-free. But what about the digital environment? Especially in the area of digital maps and plans, which per se require graphic elements for accessing information. accessibility is a major challenge, especially in the area of digital maps and plans. great challenge.

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4/17/2017 | 1 min reading time ›

Médecins sans frontières

geOps is partner of Médecins Sans Frontières

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4/16/2017 | 2 min reading time ›


A mix of greenhorns and experienced bikers learn in a crash course on how to do more than ride a bike.

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6/22/2016 | 2 min reading time ›

Züri HB and Züri West

The geOps team on a company trip to Zurich. On the hottest day of the day of the summer we made our company trip. The Orga-Team had chosen Zurich HB and Zurich West as destinations for this year.

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1/29/2016 | 6 min reading time ›

Bug fixes in TRAVIC

Since TRAVIC was launched 2 years ago, we have been regularly receiving from users who are familiar with the network and who have noticed deviations routes that deviate from reality. Why do routes deviate from reality? And how can I help to improve the routing?

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10/5/2015 | 3 min reading time ›

Test of our public transport routing

Automatically and manually recorded routes of public transport - a comparison with data from the SBB and the ZVV.

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10/1/2015 | 3 min reading time ›

Clear communication in the event of an incident

SBB is currently equipping 16 important stations with new general displays. displays. In addition to the familiar departure display, these also include a new type of display for the event of a malfunction. geOps was responsible for the development of this module. responsible.

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9/8/2015 | 1 min reading time ›

The Blogger - Patrick Brosi as an author

Our colleague Patrick Brosi writes not only super software but from time to time also a thriller.

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6/13/2015 | 1 min reading time ›

Automated creation of timetable-referenced public transport networks

The creation of timetable-referenced routes for public transport is demanding and is usually, if at all, done by hand. We use a route-finding based approach to correlate timetable trajectories and (possibly generalized) geodata.

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11/22/2014 | 9 min reading time ›

Mapping Public Transit Networks

A few months ago the worldwide public transit tracker developed by geOps and the University of Freiburg, TRAVIC, went online. To get exact vehicle routes we use an approach that generates shapes via iterative shortest-path calculation on the public transit network.

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11/16/2014 | 2 min reading time ›

Visualizing a train network with GeoServer rendering transformations

In the context of the Trafimage geoportal of the swiss railway company SBB geOps was given the task to visualize events and activities along the train tracks. These include planned, ongoing and finished construction work, maintenance tasks and information on equipment along the tracks.

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6/25/2014 | 2 min reading time ›

Swiss transit schedule data available as GTFS

We provide regulary updated GTFS feeds from the official schedule data of Switzerland.

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4/23/2014 | 2 min reading time ›

geOps at GeoSummit 2014

At the GEOSummit on 2014 June 4 and 5, we will offer, in addition to the general presentations and demos of our services. Here you will find the program.

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4/13/2014 | 4 min reading time ›

Worldwide Transit Tracker

geOps has implemented a tracker of worldwide public transportation data. The application combines static and realtime schedule data and calculates the current position of the transport vehicles.

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3/16/2014 | 1 min reading time ›

geOps at GeoSummit 4.-5. June 2014

The GEOSummit is the most important event on GIS in Switzerland. geOps will be present in Bern from June 4-5.

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3/5/2014 | 1 min reading time ›

GeoBeer #7 in Olten

Am 6. Mai trifft sich die Schweizer GIS-Szene wieder auf ein GeoBeer. Wir freuen uns, das Event als Sponsor und Local Organizer zu unterstützen.

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3/1/2014 | 2 min reading time ›

Reinforcement with Patrick Brosi

In recent years, geOps has increasingly implemented projects for the public transport and built up the corresponding competencies. With Patrick Brosi, a proven expert for mapping traffic data and multimodal routing analyses joins our team.

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2/10/2014 | 2 min reading time ›

Cartaro at the Google Summer of Code

This year Cartaro will participate in the Google Summer of Code. This means that interested and talented students may apply for a stipend from Google that allows them to develop new functionalities for Cartaro. Apply until March 21 and get the chance to contribute your piece of open source code to Cartaro.

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12/29/2013 | 2 min reading time ›

geOps AG founded in Switzerland

At the beginning of 2014, geOps AG was founded in Switzerland. With this step, we offer our Swiss and Liechtenstein customers easier access to our services and shorten the paths for optimized support.

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12/24/2013 | 1 min reading time ›

Cadastre of public-law restrictions ÖREB

As one of the first countries in the world, Switzerland today publishes a cadastre of public-law property restrictions. A topic in the cadastre is processed and published with software from geOps.

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10/20/2013 | 3 min reading time ›

batyr: On-demand synchronization of vector data to a PostGIS database

We are excited to announce the first release of batyr - a server which connects all kinds of vector geodata sources to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and provides a structured way to synchronize external data to database tables.

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9/23/2013 | 1 min reading time ›

SBB station map

The Swiss railway association SBB have published a new map on their website that eases access to information about services and shopping opportunities at all railway stations.

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8/16/2013 | 1 min reading time ›

Conference on Geosharing in Bern

Be invited to participate in the interdisciplinary scientific workshop “Sharing Geospatial Data - the key to successful interdisciplinary and international collaboration” to be held in Bern, October 31th – November 2nd, 2013.

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3/17/2013 | 2 min reading time ›

We sponsor your participation at FOSSGIS 2013 in Rapperswil!

We are looking for qualified talents (m/f) to shape the Geospatial Web with us.

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2/20/2013 | 4 min reading time ›

GeoServer WFS Performance Comparison

GeoServer is one main component for Cartaro and various customer projects. Therefore we wanted to know under which conditions GeoServer delivers the best WFS (Web Feature Service) performance.

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2/2/2013 | 2 min reading time ›

Cartaro on OSGeo-Live DVD

We are happy to announce that Cartaro is part of the OSGeo-Live DVD now. This gives everybody the chance to try out Cartaro locally without hazzling with the installation.

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12/17/2012 | 1 min reading time ›


Die FOSSGIS-Konferenz ist die wichtigste Veranstaltung zu freier und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme im deutschsprachigen Raum. Bei der diesjährigen Konferenz im Juni in Rapperswil ist geOps als Sponsor und Ausssteller beteiligt.

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12/17/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

Travel in cartographic time

Starting with the Dufour map and ending with the most current maps of Switzerland the development of cartography as well as changes in our surroundings can be visualized and animated.

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11/21/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

3D Skiing trail map

To make it easier for you to plan your winter vacation, we have created in 2D and 3D.

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7/10/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

Aqua & Gas reports on Altlast4Web

The trade publication Aqua & Gas of the Swiss Association of Gas and water industry reports in its current issue about our software Altlast4Web.

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7/2/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

WFS-T and transformations in OpenLayers Editor

The OpenLayers Editor OLE now also supports the WFS-T protocol for Geodata processing

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6/6/2012 | 2 min reading time ›

CAD-like Feature Construction with the OpenLayers Editor

When editing vector features in a web GIS map one often needs support for precise drawing. Snapping to existing features of external data (using WFS or other vector features) was long available in OpenLayers Editor but it still lacked guide line support. We are pleased to announce that guide lines can now be generated automatically by OpenLayers Editor whilst a feature is drawn. Guide lines for the first run offer support for drawing right angled features or features in parallel to other features.

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5/26/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

AGIT 2012

Nächste Woche, vom 4. bis 6. Juli, findet die AGIT in Salzburg statt.

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5/10/2012 | 2 min reading time ›

geOps presents at the GEOSummit 2012

The GEOSummit is the most important event on GIS in Switzerland. geOps will be at the trade fair and conference from June 19-21.

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5/1/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

swisstopo revision service mobile

As of today, swisstopo has made available a new version of the application for a new version of the revision service optimized for mobile devices.

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4/16/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

Ten years of geOps

geOps celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. On this occasion we invite June 28/29, 2012 customers, partners, interested parties and friends in our new offices in the Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 263.

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4/7/2012 | 2 min reading time ›

Segmentation of lines in PostGIS

For processing linear geometries it may be necessary to split them.

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3/3/2012 | 3 min reading time ›

Open Data Camp Zürich

Last weekend, the second Open Data Camp took place simultaneously in Zurich and Geneva. Open Data Camp took place in Zurich and Geneva. The aim was to use open data to improve mobility. mobility.

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2/21/2012 | 1 min reading time ›

Altlast4Web at GEOSummit

A presentation at GEOSummit 2012 in Bern is dedicated to the Altlast4Web software developed by geOps.

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12/24/2011 | 1 min reading time ›


Die FOSSGIS-Konferenz ist die wichtigste Veranstaltung zu freier und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme im deutschsprachigen Raum. Wie schon in den vergangenen Jahren ist geOps als Sponsor beteiligt.

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11/7/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

Merry XMaps and a Happy New Year 2012

The geOps team wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all customers, partners and friends.

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10/24/2011 | 11 min reading time ›

Using OLE for Feature Editing in MapFish

This article will show how to use OLE to provide feature editing and feature creation within MapFish. It does not rely on ExtJS and GeoExt that are often associated with MapFish. The result of the tutorial can be seen here.

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8/20/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

OpenLayers Editor released

geOps releases the source code of OpenLayers Editor under a FreeBSD license. OpenLayers Editor offers a toolbar for precise and efficient editing of geodata in the browser.

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7/27/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

geOps at Intergeo 2011

Visit us from 27.9.-29.9. at the Intergeo in Nuremberg, Germany, the largest trade fair on the subject of GIS.

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7/1/2011 | 2 min reading time ›

Altlast4Web at the Federal Office of Transport

Since June 2011, the Environment Section at the Swiss Federal Office of Transport (BAV) has been the first customer to productively use the current version 2 of Altlast4Web. productively.

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6/8/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

Altlast4Web: Geodata + Business Processes

Our presentation from this year's AGI with the topic Geodata for the control of complex and long-term long-term business processes Example Contaminated site enforcement in Switzerland

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3/26/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

AGIT article 2011

geOps is present at this year's AGIT in Salzburg with a contribution on the topic of topic "Geodata for the control of complex and long-term business processes". will be presented. Using the example of contaminated site enforcement in Switzerland and the software software Altlast4Web, we present how closely the interaction of geodata and business processes can be in a modern web application.

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3/22/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

Edit geodata in the browser

geOps shows with a video that all functions are also available in the browser to be able to digitize geodata precisely and efficiently.

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3/6/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

Print output of reports with map data

At the FOSSGIS conference in Heidelberg we presented our solution approach for printing reports with map data based on OpenOffice. The presentation is available online.

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2/4/2011 | 2 min reading time ›

Fallbacks in MediaWiki

Eine unserer Applikationen verwendet eine Wiki-Installation um Hilfetexte kontextsensitiv darzustellen. Die Texte liegen in Form von Artikeln in MediaWiki vor – die gleiche Technik wie sie Wikipedia verwendet. Durch die Entwicklung unserer Applikation als Software-Produktlinie bot es sich an beim Verfassen von Hilfetexten ähnlich zu verfahren. Ein Fallback erlaubt es nun mit einer einzigen Wiki-Installation spezifische Hilfetexte für Kunden mehrsprachig auszuliefern. Grundlage ist eine Sammlung von allgemeingültigen Hilfetexten, die im Bedarfsfall für die Kunden angepasst und übersetzt werden können. Alle Kunden können so direkt von verbesserter Dokumentation profitieren und gleichzeitig individuelle Inhalte integrieren. Die Inhalte der Hilfe können dabei vom Kunden einfach und flexibel im bewährten MediaWiki angepasst werden."

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2/4/2011 | 2 min reading time ›

Context sensitive help

geOps releases flexible jQuery plugin for context-sensitive help in web applications.

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1/13/2011 | 1 min reading time ›

Unknown forests in Google Maps

Version 3 of the Google Maps API allows the application of custom style definitions for individual map layers. Some tests with the new API within OpenLayers showed that Google Maps presents forests with much more with much more detail than Google Maps would suggest at first glance. at first glance.

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1/3/2011 | 2 min reading time ›

Database adapter for translations with Zend Framework

As part of a project, there was a requirement for customers to be able to freely edit the translations of the program interface. Here the the previous implementation of the translations using GNU gettext in the application reached its limits. An adapter for the Zend Framework now implements the necessary flexibility.

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12/24/2010 | 1 min reading time ›


Die FOSSGIS-Konferenz ist die wichtigste Veranstaltung zu freier und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme im deutschsprachigen Raum. Wie schon in den vergangenen Jahren ist geOps als Sponsor beteiligt.

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5/7/2010 | 1 min reading time ›

Geschäftskontrolle sogeko realisiert

sogeko ist eine flexible Geschäftskontrolle, mit der sich beliebige Arbeitsabläufe definieren lassen, und die einfach in bestehende Systeme eingebunden werden kann.

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5/3/2010 | 1 min reading time ›

Sponsoring der FOSS4G 2010

Auf der FOSS4G werden wieder aktuelle Trends im Open Source GIS-Bereich und Anwendungen in der Praxis präsentiert. Viele Entwickler der wichtigsten Softwareprodukte sind auf der Konferenz vertreten und garantieren so für Informationen aus erster Hand.

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4/1/2010 | 1 min reading time ›

FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona

Auf der FOSS4G werden wieder aktuelle Trends im Open Source GIS-Bereich und Anwendungen in der Praxis präsentiert. Viele Entwickler der wichtigsten Softwareprodukte sind auf der Konferenz vertreten und garantieren so für Informationen aus erster Hand.

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1/15/2010 | 1 min reading time ›

geOps at FOSSGIS 2010

The FOSSGIS conference is the most important event on free and open source software for geoinformation systems in the German-speaking world. As in previous years, geOps is involved as a sponsor.

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8/18/2009 | 1 min reading time ›

Intergeo 2009 in Karlsruhe

From 22.9.2009-24.9.2009 the Intergeo will take place in Karlsruhe, the largest trade fair on the subject of GIS.

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8/14/2009 | 1 min reading time ›

Extensions for PostgreSQL as OpenSource

In the geops-postgresql-utils project hosted on GoogleCode, geOps provides tools and functions for the free database server PostgreSQL.

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1/10/2009 | 1 min reading time ›


FOSSGIS ist die Abkürzung für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme und ist die führende Konferenz zu diesem Thema im deutschsprachigen Raum. Wie schon im vergangenen Jahr ist geOps als Sponsor beteiligt.

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7/30/2008 | 1 min reading time ›

Member of the Freiburg Medienforum

geOps has been a member of the Freiburg media forum mff since July, emphasizing its commitment to staying up to date on media and IT security issues in the regional environment as well.

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5/30/2008 | 1 min reading time ›

Demo version of VEGAS released

VEGAS is a web-based information system in the field of hydrogeology, which was developed on behalf of the Office for the Environment in the was developed. To demonstrate the comprehensive functionality, an installation an installation on the internet.

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5/25/2008 | 2 min reading time ›

Google initiates a wiki for geodata

Google has introduced a web application called Google Map Maker, with which anyone (i.e. every registered Google user) can create and edit geographic features - in the style of a wiki. What at first interesting at first glance, is, however, to be viewed extremely critically under consideration of the license conditions.

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3/3/2008 | 1 min reading time ›

Sponsoring der FOSSGIS 2008

FOSSGIS ist die Abkürzung für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme und ist die führende Konferenz zu diesem Thema im deutschsprachigen Raum. geOps beteiligt sich als Sponsor daran.

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CH-4600 Olten

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D-79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

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